• Analysis of USPS 2017 Bound Printed Matter Postage Rates

    Analysis of USPS 2017 Bound Printed Matter Postage Rates

    Bound Printed Matter increases average of 1% Details of the 2017 proposed rate increase have been filed by USPS with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC). While preliminary, the filing usually reflects the rates we’ll see. We’re in the process of performing our analysis of these new rates and rules. Rather than simply comparing the old…

  • USPS Intelligent Mail Package Barcode (IMpB)

    USPS Intelligent Mail Package Barcode (IMpB)

    USPS Intelligent Mail Package Barcode Are you ready? If not, we can help. There’s a lot to know about the Intelligent Mail Package Barcode, and the stakes are pretty high. For example, an average 2.5 pound book, shipping Bound Printed Matter, would cost 79 cents more without the IMpb. If you do drop shipping, it’s…