Category: USPS

  • Postal Reform May Finally Happen

    Postal Reform May Finally Happen

    USPS Postal Reform May Finally Happen It’s early yet, but according to a report in the Washington Post, there is strong bi-partisan support for a new round of Postal Reform. As one would expect from a compromise, there are good and bad points from whatever viewpoint you may hold. Some key items, Saturday delivery would…

  • USPS Rates Increase. Are you ready?

    USPS Rates Increase. Are you ready?

    New Rates Effective January 22, 2017 The 2017 rate increase is almost upon us. Any mailings presented after January 22, 2017 will use the new rates and fee. While the rates are tied to inflation, and First Class stamps are going up from 47 to 49 cents, they have adjusted the rates differently in various…

  • Analysis of USPS 2017 Bound Printed Matter Postage Rates

    Analysis of USPS 2017 Bound Printed Matter Postage Rates

    Bound Printed Matter increases average of 1% Details of the 2017 proposed rate increase have been filed by USPS with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC). While preliminary, the filing usually reflects the rates we’ll see. We’re in the process of performing our analysis of these new rates and rules. Rather than simply comparing the old…

  • USPS Intelligent Mail Package Barcode (IMpB)

    USPS Intelligent Mail Package Barcode (IMpB)

    USPS Intelligent Mail Package Barcode Are you ready? If not, we can help. There’s a lot to know about the Intelligent Mail Package Barcode, and the stakes are pretty high. For example, an average 2.5 pound book, shipping Bound Printed Matter, would cost 79 cents more without the IMpb. If you do drop shipping, it’s…

  • USPS – Postal Reform Taking Shape

    USPS – Postal Reform Taking Shape

    As you’ve probably heard, the USPS is in deep financial trouble. They’re losing billions of dollars every year. This report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) – Testimony Before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform in the House of Representatives on May 11, 2016 outlines many of the challenges they face. In many cases, it…

  • National Postal Forum 2016

    National Postal Forum 2016

    NPF 2016 Coming to Nashville, TN March 20-23 The National Postal Forum will meet in Nashville, TN March 20-23, with the exhibit floor being open on March 21 – 23. The NPF is the premier show to demonstrate and learn about the latest in mailing technology and techniques. There are educational sessions discussing USPS, postal…

  • USPS April 2016 Price Change

    USPS April 2016 Price Change

    USPS Announces Rate Change for April 2016 New prices are now available on the USPS website to take effect in April 2016. Before you panic, this is actually great news. The USPS has appealed to the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC), but most likely it will go into effect. A little history. Back in 2013, part of…

  • USPS Rules and Technology Consulting

    USPS Rules and Technology Consulting

    Keeping up with the USPS is a moving target. Their rules and technology are constantly shifting. This presents dangers and opportunities to any business involved in mail or parcel shipping. We’ve been writing programs and developing procedures to meet USPS regulations since the 1980’s. We know what works, and how fast we have to move…