Category: Services Offered

  • Website Programming

    Website Programming

    Have you wanted an online store or promotional website? Maybe you’ve even tried to make one. There are a lot of options out there. Some companies will offer you a “free” website, only to discover they have high monthly charges, limited features, and lack user control. Then you find out you’re locked in and can’t…

  • USPS Rules and Technology Consulting

    USPS Rules and Technology Consulting

    Keeping up with the USPS is a moving target. Their rules and technology are constantly shifting. This presents dangers and opportunities to any business involved in mail or parcel shipping. We’ve been writing programs and developing procedures to meet USPS regulations since the 1980’s. We know what works, and how fast we have to move…

  • Data Migration and Translation

    Data Migration and Translation

    There comes a time in every software system, you need to move on. However, you don’t want to lose the important data you’ve accumulated in the old system, and you certainly don’t want to spend the time and money to rebuild it! We started dealing with data when magnetic tapes were still in use, yet…

  • Business Technology Consulting

    Business Technology Consulting

    Need to find the best software or hardware for a particular application? Perhaps you need an independent opinion in evaluating competing bids on a project. Maybe you’re considering custom software, but you wonder if a commercial package would serve your needs. Whatever your technical question or problem, we provide the experience and knowledge to help…